6. The Process

You didn’t come this far to stop


Getting the Board In the same Direction

Consider the Approaches

Thinking Different

  • Alignment: Develop board members, community members, and expert advisors who agree that the building envelope system needs to be replaced.

  • Restoration Approaches: Outline fiscally responsible restoration approaches that:

    • Meet the board’s fiduciary responsibility

    • Minimize financial impact on current and future owners

    • Increase property value

    • Consider phasing, elevation work, or larger-scale comprehensive restoration work

  • Funding Opportunities: Explore options such as bank financing, monthly assessments, and/or special assessments.

  • Communication: Establish a formal communication format and cadence with the community to ensure owners are informed and engaged.

Experience Says:

It is recommended that the Board make a field trip to Pointe Pacific, you have agreed to host you to see what they are doing and again answer any of the questions you may have. It's worth the time and effort.

blue and red metal bars
blue and red metal bars